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以河北农业大学动物科技学院草业科学专业两届学生(实施不同实践教学方法)为例,在拓展实验教学途径、课程实践技能比赛、校外教学实习、企业家实践教学协同指导小组、创新草地保护学实习内容、实践教学信息化改革及课程评价体系等方面进行实践教学改革,在各教学环节实施基于PBL协同小组分工教–学法,探讨产、学、研、地协同背景下,团队协作学习为主的项目导向(project-based learning,PBL)教学法在草地保护学课程实践教学中的应用效果。结果表明:这种教学方法在很大程度上提高了学生考试成绩和教学质量,增强了学生综合专业实践素养,应在草地保护学教学中广泛推广。  相似文献   
马铃薯中耕前期圆盘式中耕机设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有马铃薯中耕机在第1次中耕作业时存在作业效果不佳、易伤苗的问题,对圆盘式马铃薯中耕机进行设计与试验。阐述了该机的工作原理,通过理论计算对其关键部件进行设计,根据农艺培土、除草等作业要求,确定了圆盘式马铃薯中耕机主要结构参数和作业参数;采用单因素和二次旋转正交组合试验,以耕作深度、机车前进速度、调节角为试验因素,以除草率及伤苗率为试验指标进行了样机试验。试验结果表明,当耕作深度为0.13 m、机车前进速度为4.6 km/h、调节角为52°时,除草率为95.2%,伤苗率为3.9%,满足国家标准伤苗率不大于5%、除草率不小于90%的要求。  相似文献   

Conversion of grassland to cropland is widely reported to deplete soil organic carbon (SOC) largely due to tillage effects on the decomposition of SOC. However, most studies report on long-term changes in SOC following the conversion and little is known about the changes in the short term. Net ecosystem carbon budget (NECB) measures the difference between total C input (i.e., manure, above- and below-ground plant residues) and C loss through heterotrophic respiration (RH). However, most studies that report temporal SOC do not report other components of the NECB like RH, total C inputs and often do not include the cumulative annualized change of these components. This review evaluated the change in C input, RH, NECB and SOC after conversion of permanent/continuous grassland to cropland within 5 years after the conversion. We also reviewed and compared no-tillage and conventional tillage on SOC storage and accumulation. Total C input was higher in grassland than cropland largely due to high root biomass, as opposed to aboveground residue, and therefore grassland tended to have higher NECB. Despite higher NECB in grassland, the SOC stocks in cropland (cornfield) converted from grassland were greater than that in continuous grassland within first 2–3 years of conversion. The combination of manure C addition and tillage in cropland showed potential to maintain NECB and increase SOC. Within the continuous grassland C addition alone increased NECB but did not result in a corresponding increase in SOC. Residue retention and manure addition are recognized as good practices for increasing SOC, this study however, shows that combining them with occasional tillage, especially in managed grasslands, could increase the rate of SOC storage in soils.  相似文献   

Energy requirement increases rapidly in agriculture due to the increase in mechanization. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the energy use efficiency of silage maize under three different tillage practices (conventional, reduced, no-tillage) combined with four different irrigation levels (full and three deficit irrigations). The no-tillage and reduced tillage practices provided savings in input energy at the rate of 17.4 and 9.1%, respectively compared to the conventional tillage. The highest silage yields in all irrigation levels were obtained in the no-tillage practice. Therefore, in full and deficit irrigated silage maize, the highest energy ratio, energy productivity and net energy and the lowest specific energy values were manifested in the no-tillage practice. Energy rates in the no-tillage practice were higher by 34.2 and 22.9% than the conventional and the reduced tillage practices, respectively. Moreover, the direct and non-renewable energy requirements were the lowest in the no-tillage practice. In conclusion, the fully-irrigated no-tillage practice can be recommended to obtain the highest energy use ratio and productivity. However, no-tillage irrigated with up to 50% less water amount could be a better alternative for areas with a water shortage by improving the energy use ratio with better water and fuel savings.  相似文献   
植烟土壤是确保烤烟优质高产的关键因素之一,通过对天柱县植烟土壤烟田基本情况、土壤退化情况、土壤保育与改良情况、土地整理情况等进行调查,结果表明:该烟区地块比较破碎,有便利的排水条件或健全的排水设施,无洪涝灾害的烟田面积为420.00 hm~2,占63.0%;土壤板结发生面积为136.00 hm~2,占基本烟田的20.4%;有机质含量下降发生面积为208 hm~2,占基本烟田的31.2%;水土流失发生面积为169.33 hm~2,占基本烟田的25.4%。为此,应采取土壤改良措施,以促进天柱特色优质烤烟的发展。  相似文献   
针对免耕播种作业时沙土和碎秸等飘浮物被气吸式排种器吸入充种室内,导致排种工作部件损坏、排种质量降低等问题,设计了一种柔性清护种机械式大豆精量排种器。对排种器工作过程进行理论分析,确定了影响工作性能的主要结构与工作参数;通过单因素对比试验确定了对排种性能影响最小的护种毛刷材料;采用三因素五水平二次正交旋转中心组合试验方法,以作业速度、充种倾角、护种距离为试验因素,以合格指数、漏播指数、重播指数和破损指数为评价指标,应用Design-Expert软件对试验结果进行方差分析。结果表明:各因素对合格指数的影响显著性由大到小依次为作业速度、护种距离、充种倾角,各因素对漏播指数的影响显著性由大到小依次为护种距离、作业速度、充种倾角,各因素对重播指数的影响显著性由大到小依次为作业速度、充种倾角,护种距离影响不显著,各因素对破损指数的影响显著性由大到小依次为护种距离、作业速度、充种倾角;当作业速度为8~12km/h、充种倾角70°、护种距离为-1.5mm时,排种合格指数大于94%、漏播指数小于3%、重播指数小于3%、破损指数小于0.2%,满足免耕大豆高速精量播种作业要求。  相似文献   
为探讨牧民家庭人口特征和收入构成之间的关系,通过半结构式访谈调查了藏北羌塘高寒草甸、高寒草原和荒漠草原区682户牧民,比较了其家庭规模、劳动力、抚养比、草场面积、放牧强度、家庭收入及其多样性的差异,结合多元线性回归评价了家庭人口特征对收入构成的影响。结果显示:羌塘地区牧民家庭规模大(5.3人·户-1)、抚养比高(0.62)、劳动力充足(3人·户-1)但受教育年限短(2.3年),高度依赖政策性收入;高寒草甸区牧民家庭规模、劳动力数量及受教育年限、抚养比和放牧强度等指标显著高于高寒草原和荒漠草原区(P<0.05),后两者之间无显著差异;荒漠草原区牧民家庭草场面积和政策性收入较高(P<0.05);家庭规模、文盲率和抚养比是影响高寒草原和荒漠草原牧民收入构成的主要因子,人口特征对高寒草甸牧民收入影响不显著。综上所述,建议分区精准施策以提高牧民生计。  相似文献   
横坡垄作对坡耕地土壤有机碳(soil organic carbon,SOC)流失有一定的阻控作用,但黑土区特有长而缓的地形与横垄对坡耕地SOC空间分异会产生交互作用,而这种交互作用引发的SOC流失风险没引起足够的重视。该研究以典型黑土区黑龙江省黑河市北安分局红星农场为研究区域,2022年在横坡垄作与顺坡水线方向上共布设25个采样点,采用地理探测器模型、单因素方差分析(one-way ANOVA)和Pearson相关性分析,探讨土壤有机碳的空间分异及其交互作用。结果表明,横坡垄作方向上垄沟土壤有机碳含量从坡顶到水线呈现逐渐增大的变化趋势;在垄台从坡顶到水线呈现先增大后减小的变化趋势。顺坡水线方向,土壤有机碳含量在垄沟呈现从上坡到下坡增大的变化趋势;在垄台呈现先增大后减小的变化趋势。由于断垄产生水线,顺坡土壤有机碳含量上坡与下坡仍有显著差异(P<0.05)。Pearson相关性分析表明, 有机碳与可蚀性K因子呈显著负相关(垄沟和垄台相关系数分别为–0.228和–0.238,P<0.05),与碳循环相关的β-葡萄糖苷酶和微生物生物量碳在垄沟呈极显著正相关(相关系数为0.398和0.676,P<0.01)。地理探测器分析表明,顺坡水线对土壤有机碳空间分异的影响最大,其对垄沟和垄台SOC的解释力分别达到61%和52%以上;顺坡水线与其他因子的交互作用共同增强了对土壤有机碳的解释力,尤其是顺坡水线与高程的交互作用最为明显。黑土区坡耕地土壤有机碳空间分异主要受顺坡水线与高程的交互作用,横坡垄作虽然能够拦截径流,但由于长缓坡地形影响产生的断垄会加剧土壤侵蚀诱发的有机碳流失。因此,黑土坡耕地治理需要同时考虑横垄与地形的共同影响,从而实现防蚀的优化效果。  相似文献   
化除宿营法建植人工草地产草量高,建植第2年最高干物质产量达到23 270 kg/hm2。化除宿营法与化除免耕法建立人工草地在建植当年没有显著差异,但第2年化除宿营法比化除免耕法增产7 353 kg/hm2(P<0.01)。在草地建植当年和第2年,施肥对地上生物量没有明显影响。化除宿营法建立人工草地宿营强度达到4羊夜即可,第2年平均干物质产量达15 483 kg/hm2。在无人为干预的情况下,蒿类等不可食杂草迅速侵入,土壤肥力越高,扩散速度越快;不可食杂草比例超过50%后,草地基本没有利用价值,地上生物量也不再急剧下降。  相似文献   
Based on 120 stem discs collected during3 months of fieldwork along a 12 km route,the history of fires in the Wari Maro Forest(09 1000 N–02 1000E) over the past century in savanna woodland and dry forest was reconstituted.Three major ecological areas are characterized:one highly burnt zone located between two relative less burnt areas.By analyzing tree rings,246 fire scars were identified.The scars were caused by 51 fire years,occurring at a mean interval of 2.23 years.From 1890 to1965,only 6 years with fires were recorded from sampled trees.Since 1966,no year has passed without fire.The fire frequency point scale reached 14 years.This was the case of Burkea africana,which has been identified as a species tolerant to fire and could be planted to create a natural firewall.In contrast,Anogeissus leiocarpa is highly sensitive to fire,and in a dry forest ecosystem that burns seasonally,it requires a special conservation plan.Two new concepts are described:the rebarking of trees after fire and Mean Kilometer Fire Interval.The first concept was tested with Daniellia oliveri(Rolfe) Hutch & Dalz trees,and the second concept was used to evaluate spatial fire distribution.We demonstrate that savanna woodland and dry forest were subject to a degradation process caused by destructive fires related to vegetation cover clearance and illegal logging.  相似文献   
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